Basic Concepts of Algorithms


All agree that computers are tools to solve problems. So that the computer can solve the problem it is necessary to be formulated first steps in a series of instructions. A set of instructions that is solving a problem called "Program".

So that the computer can run the program, it must be written in language understandable by a computer. Because the computer is a machine then the program must be written in a language specifically designed to communicate with the computer. Computer language used in writing a program called the programming language. One example is the programming language is language C.

In solving problems with the help of a computer, the first step taken is to create a design (design). Design presents ways of thinking in solving problems programmers. This design contains a sequence of steps achieving solutions that are written in descriptive notations. The sequence of steps to solve problems systematically called algorithms.

Algorithm notation

Notation algorithm is not a programming language notation, so anyone can make a notation algorithm berbeda.Hal important about the notation is easy to read and not dimengerti.Meskipun algorithm notation standard notation, but compliance with the notation should be noted to avoid confusion.

Some notation in writing the algorithm:

1.Notasi I: state algorithm steps with a string of descriptive phrases.

With a stylish line descriptive notation, a description of each step can be explained by gamblang.Misalnya language, the process begins with a verb such as' read ',' count ',' change 'and sebagainya.Sedangkan conditional statement expressed by' if ....' , 'Then ....'.

This notation is good for a short algorithm, but for large problems this notation it is not possible dipakai.Selain, conversion of notation algorithm tends to programming languages is relatively difficult.

2.Notasi II: using the flow diagram (flow-chart).

Flowchart popular in the early era of programming with more flow komputer.Diagram instructions describe the flow within the program instead of showing visually program.Notasi structure algorithm is also suitable for small problems, not suitable for large problems because it would require numerous pages to describe the flow of paper program process.

3. Notation III: using pseudo-code

Pseudocode (meaning quasi-pseudo or not actually) is a notation that resembles the notation a high level programming language like C language observations show that programming languages generally have a similar notation for some instructions, such as the notation if-then-else, while-do, repeat-until, read, write and so on. Based on these observations, it is defined that the notation algorithm that can explain ordered in clear language without confusing the reader can be called with the notation algorithm using pseudo-code. Unlike the troubled programming language with a semicolon and so forth, special words, index, format, and others, then the pseudo-code will be more easier and profitable. Advantages using pseudo-code notation is the ease of programming kebahasa convert it, because there is correspondence between each pseudo-code with program.Korespondensi language notation can be realized by the translation of the notation table algorithm into the programming language notation
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