Basic Programming with Pascal

Pascal is a programming language which was first made by Professor Niklaus Wirth, a member of the International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) in 1971. By taking the name of the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal, who first created the calculator, Professor Niklaus Wirth made the Pascal language as a tool for teaching computer programming concepts to students. In addition, Professor Niklaus Wirth Pascal also made to complement the deficiencies of the existing programming languages at that time.

Advantages of Pascal programming language is:
Standard data types, data types that have been available standard in most programming languages. Pascal has a standard data types: boolean, integer, real, char, string,
User defined Data Types, programmers can create other data types derived from standard data types.
Strongly-typed, the programmer must specify the data type of a variable, and variables can not be used to store data type other than the specified format.
Structured, has a syntax that allows the writing of programs broken down into smaller functions (procedures and functions) that can be used repeatedly.
Simple and Expressive, has a simple structure and very close to human language (English) so easy to learn and understand.

PASCAL language is the language used as the standard programming language for the national team's Olympic Komputer Indonesia (TOKI). In addition, language PASCAL is still used in IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics).
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