About four hundred years ago, Machiavelli once said, "nothing is more difficult, more dangerous or more is not done pasyi in his success, from the lead in the opening of the new order.

Software engineering occurs as a consequence of a process called system engineering. Engineering systems focusing on various elements, analysis, design, and organization of these elements into a system that could be a product, service, or technology to transform or control.

1. computer-based systems

computer-based system is a series or order of the elements that are arranged to achieve predetermined objectives through the process of information.
computer-based systems using a variety of system elements, including:
a. software
b. hardware
c. human
d. database
e. documentation
f. procedure

2. hierarchy of systems engineering

regardless of domain focus, engineering encompasses a set of methods from top to bottom and from bottom to top to control the hierarchy. systems engineering process usually begins with a world view that is where the entire business domain or in the test products to ensure that the business or the context of appropriate technologies can be built. WV (world view) was refined to focus on specific interest domain. in a particular domain, the need for a targeted system analyzed. finally, analysis, design, and construction of the target element is initiated. on top herarki, a broad context is built, and at the bottom complete technical activities undertaken by the relevant engineering disciplines do.
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