Data Types and Operators

Type data indicates a value that is used by sutu Hereinafter the relevant variables.
Data Types in Pascal:
1. Simple data types, consisting of:
a. Standard data types:
- Integer: a data type of integers
- Real: the kind of fractions
- Char: a superscript characters between single quotes. Ex: 'A', 'a', '5 ', etc.
- String: a sequence of characters between single quotes.
- Boolean: is a logical data type, which contains two possible values: TRUE or FALSE.
b. User defined data types
2. Structured data types, consisting of:
a. Array
b. Record
c. File
d. Set
3. Data Type PointerOperator
Sign operation (operator) in the Pascal language are regrouped in:
1. Assignment operator (operator processing) using the colon symbol followed by an equal sign (:=). Example -> A: = B;

2. Binary operators used to operate two Operands of the form constants or variables. This operator is used for operations associated with arithmatika value of data type Integer and Real. The operation performed is: Added (+), Reduction (-), multiplication (*), Division of Bulat (DIV), Division of Real (/) and modulus or Time Division (MOD)

3. Unary operators, this operator uses a course Operands can be either unary minus and unary plus. Example: +2.5, a + (+ b) etc.

4. Bitwise operators are used for bits-per-bit operations on integer values.
Operators who used (NOT, AND, OR, XOR, SHL, shr
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