Expert System

Introduction to Expert System

1. Introduction

Expert System (Expert System) is a system that uses human knowledge in computers to solve problems that are usually done by an expert, for example: Doctor, Lawyer, Financial Analist, Tax Advisor. Expert system can encourage greater attention among computer experts and specialist information to develop a system to help managers and non managers solve problems.

Expert system consists of 4 parts:

1. User Interface
2. Knowledge Base
3. Inference Engine
4. Development Engine

Expert systems provide many advantages for the company's operations and managers, but have significant limitations.

Artificial Intelligence is an activity to provide a variety of machines such as computer displays with the behavior of intelligent reasoning, if observed as human beings. Artificial Intelligence provides a variety of sophisticated computer applications to match the various types of human reasoning.

History of Artificial Intelligence

• John McCarty

· Logic Theorist

· General Problem Solver (GPS)

The field of Artificial Intelligence

1. Nerve Network (Neural Network)

2. Perception System (Perceptive Systems)

3. Learning (Learning)

4. Robots (Robotics)

Hardware 5.Perangkat Ai (Artificial Intelligence)

Natural Language 6.Pemrosesan (Natural Language Processing)

2. Types of Expert System

· Interpretation: Generate a description of the situation based on sensor data.

· Prediction: Predicting a result that may be of a given situation.

· Diagnosis: Sums error based system symptoms (symptoms).

· Design: Structuring the objects based on constraints.

·. Planning: Plan of action

· Monitoring: Comparing the observations with the planning process.

· Debugging: Determining the resolution of system errors.

· Repair: Implement improvement plans.

· Instruction: diagnosis, debugging, and repairing the student's behavior.

· Control: diagnosis, debugging, and repairing the system behavior.

3. Expert System Components

3.1. User Interface

Manager's user interface is used to enter instructions and information from the system.

Input method used by managers are:

* Menu
* Command
* Natural Language
* Output ES use 2 forms of explanation (explanation):
* Explanation of Question
* Explanation of Problem Solution

3.2. Knowledge Base (KB)

Knowledge base consists of facts that describe the problem or problem area of domain and presentation techniques are also used as logic facts.

Rule / rules are detailed in a situation that does not change:

· Condition true and not true

· Action taken when the right conditions

3.3. Interface Engine

Inference Engine is part of the Expert System Reasoning that form by using the contents of the knowledge base in a particular order.

Two methods used in the Expert System to observe Rule, namely:

a. Reasoning forward (Forward) or a Forward Chaining

- Evaluation Rule

- The process of reasoning Recurring (Iterative Reasoning)

b. Reasoning to the Rear (Revierse) or Backward Chaining.

- Chronology of the First logic followed (Logical Path First)

- Flow Logic Then followed (Next Logical Path)

3.4. Development Engine

Development Engine Rule Set building approach:

1. Programming Language (Programming Language).

2. Part Expert System (Expert System Shell)

System Analist role as a Knowledge Engineer in the business organization with the skills to build a conventional computer applications, namely:

* Understand how to apply his skills Expert in solving problems.
* Can draw a Description Of Knowledge from Expert.

System Development Process

* The beginning of the development process
* Prototype development of Expert System
* Participation Users
* Maintenance Expert System

4. Advantages and disadvantages of Expert System

Benefits Expert System for the manager.

1. More presents alternatives.

2. Applying high-level logic

3. Provide time to evaluate the results of decisions.

4. Provide a more consistent solution

5. Creating a layman to work like an expert;

6. Simplify work and increase work efficiency;

7. Increasing the quality of work;

8. Increased productivity also increases the performance so the company;

9. Is a trusted archive, so as if direct consultation with experts (although the expert has gone)

10. Extending the reach.

Benefits Expert System for the company.

1. Improving corporate performance.

2. Maintaining control over the company's knowledge.

Expert System Losses

Two characteristics of the Expert System to limit the ability of equipment to solve business problems, namely:

1. E.S. inkonsistesi can not handle the knowledge.

2. E.S. can not apply judgment and instuisi as an essential ingredient to solving problems.

Bottom Line

Biggest obstacles to implementing the business into the Expert System is a structural problem.

5. Decision-making using

Expert System.

Factors and conditions affecting consisting of:

5.1. Public Reason

Conventional programming (algorithm) is not satisfactory.

Expert existence that can solve the problem.

The experts are not always available.

There are no alternative solutions available at one time.

Completeness of the system is more adapted expenses.

Selection problem domain presents the best combination.

5.2. Problem Domain

Problems domains characterized by the use of Expert Knowledge, Judgment and experience.

Formal Knowledge is certainly in book form.

Domain is more stable and Expert System will provide long-term needs.

5.3. Domain Task.

Task is not too easy and not too difficult.

Task requires primarily Symbolic Reasoning.

Task requires the use of heuristic.

Task does not require knowledge of a wide field.

Task must be clearly defined

Some knowledge requires a large enough task using the knowledge base.

Important concepts Task number no more than a hundred.

Task skills can be taught to beginners.

5.4. Domain Personnel.

Is a strong management support.

Potential users have realistic expectations

Result is not a Politically Sensitive.

The system uses a minimal standard procedures.

5.5. Expert.

Expert has qualified and punctual.

Expert should be trusted.

Expert must be cooperative and communicative.

Expert may provide more Expertise.

If many Expertise to The Right Answer.

One must as Chief Expertise.

5.6. System Analist

System Analist must have understood the problem domain or can learn.

System Analist can attract Expert Knowledge.

6. Some Expert Systems Applications

1. Adver

or Advertising is a prototype ES is used to using advertising media strategies in accordance with the internal conditions and external parameters of the company with advertising cost per thousand viewers.

1. Bert

or Brickwork is an ES expert to design the building. Bert used to inspect a building design, and provides some recommendations for improvement. Inputs can be in the form of images.


is ES to diagnose damage to the machines Diesel Electric Locomotive.


To expert systems analysis of molecular structure of an unknown compound. Unknown compounds are analyzed by using the "mass Spectrometer" and "nuclear magnetic reconancy equipment". Data analysis was submitted to the DENDRAL which will make the structure of the molecule.


ES is to diagnose bacterial infection and suggests types of drug and dosage for healing.


Advisor or service that is used to diagnose and deal damage to a computer network.

OPERA run at night to replace Supervisor System Manager.

1. Prospector

to help find the location that contains material mine. Knowledge base contains rules based on empirical data and taxonomy of some types of minerals and rocks.

To determine if an area contains material mine, first state geological survey and soil sampling and rock.

Based on survey data they will be given a recommendation whether the area they will be eligible to be explored and will decide if the excavation will be done or not.


To control the coal combustion process is continuously using sensors connected to the computer. If any damage is caused hazards (human & equipment) can easily find and provide solutions. For example, if when HEATINGS detect levels of CO over the threshold will sound the alarm and ordered to open vents.

1. Shearer



To diagnose the damage type of coal cutting machines AM500.

In coal mining, coal was cut with using cutting tools à Shearer (very expensive, consisting of: mechanical systems, hydraulic, and electrical), capacity of about 300 tons of coal per hour.

Shearer can standby 24 hours a day and quickly made a diagnosis of damage (hydraulic, mechanical, and electrical).


To conduct a multi-component analysis of the active ingredient cold medicine in a variety of solvents, the pharmaceutical industry.

In addition the system can be used for the determination of levels (pk) a mixture of other compounds with overlapping terms of spektranya additives.


Expert System (Expert System) is a system that uses human knowledge in computers to solve problems that are usually done by an expert. Expert system can encourage greater attention among computer experts and specialist information to develop a system to help managers and non managers solve problems.

Expert system consists of 4 parts, the User Interface, Knowledge Base, Inference Engine, and Engine Development.

As for the types of the Expert System Interpretation, Prediction, Diagnosis, Design,

* Planning, Monitoring, Debugging, Repair, Instruction, and Control.

Decision Making using Expert System is influenced by several factors and conditions that consist of the General Reasons, Problem Domain, Domain Task, Domain Personnel, Expert, and System Analist.
1 Komentar untuk "Expert System"

This is wonderful blog. The information you provide is great. For more on component of expert systems, visit here..Knowledge Base and Inference Engine and User Interface

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